Ted Dunphy
Aug 18, 20164 min read
The A*ABC of success
Every secondary school in the country wakes up on the third Thursday of August each year with a mixture of anxiety, hope and feigned...

Ted Dunphy
Aug 15, 20163 min read
Counting Australians
My friends in Adelaide told me someone counted how many people were living in Australia on 9th August 2016. Why would anyone want to know...

Ted Dunphy
Aug 2, 20163 min read
Voices crying
Jeremy Corbyn isn’t the problem. Nor is he the solution. He is the voice speaking for those who know what the real problem is. He is in a...

Ted Dunphy
Jul 29, 20163 min read
Speak for yourself
I am fed up hearing whinging self-serving publicists moaning about ‘our generation’ and the damage we oldies have done. These...

Ted Dunphy
Jul 13, 20163 min read
Mum's the word
At last we have a leader of the country whose choice of shoes, dress sense and hairstyle can rightfully become the legitimate focus of...

Ted Dunphy
Jul 9, 20163 min read
Where have all the experts gone? Far, far away
Pete the Stump left the pub last night without saying good night to anyone and without upsetting the barmaid by inviting her to his place...

Ted Dunphy
Jul 6, 20163 min read
What Prick Bursts Your Balloon?
Physicists tell us that once you inflate a balloon with regular, atmospheric air, the air inside will have a greater pressure than the...

Ted Dunphy
Jun 30, 20164 min read
Chemically Restrained
The phrase ‘chemically restrained’ does what it says on the tin – it incapacitates patients, rendering them totally docile and at the...

Ted Dunphy
Jun 27, 20163 min read
In/out, turned out to be, shake it all about
We had a vote. One part of the population said, go this way, a slightly smaller part of the population said, go that way. Now there is a...

Ted Dunphy
Jun 25, 20164 min read
Living in Cloud Cuckoo Land - What Next?
Following the announcement of the Referendum result, the triumvirate of Johnston, Gove and Farage, aka the Divine Leaders, announced that...

Ted Dunphy
Jun 22, 20164 min read
How to cast your vote in the Referendum
Will you decide using the facts? Have you selected your facts yet? How do you know they are correct? How do you know you have all the...

Ted Dunphy
Jun 21, 20163 min read
Is there any humour left in the country?
Can we no longer assume we will be met by some degree of civility when we say ‘I disagree’? Does anyone give sound reasons when asked...

Ted Dunphy
Jun 20, 20163 min read
The End is Nigh
The country groans in silent relief at the approaching final resolution of the Conservative blood feud that spilled onto the streets and...

Ted Dunphy
Jun 18, 20162 min read
Astronauts vote Spexit
Astronauts on board the orbiting space station voted in a Referendum to cut themselves off from planet earth and set up alliances and...