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Hear it from the bigots

The simple-minded and the malicious deliberately misrepresent us.

The dictionary says a bigot is ‘an obstinate and intolerant believer in religion, political system etc’. We see it differently from the stupid dictionary people who will one day be punished for such malevolent misuse of language. We are single-minded disciples in the pursuit of The Truth, wholly dedicated to walking the only path to perfection for that part of the population we belong to.

We are not unreasonably prejudiced and intolerant as our lying enemies falsely claim. We are steadfastly resolute, dedicated to the cause of right and bent on the annihilation of those who preach and walk the path of evil and who propagate corrupt destructive ways we disapprove of.

You will recognise us easily. We repeat limited mantras, speak with loud voices, use short derogatory sentences, argue by repetition and use words that mean something different to the meaning most people give them. When there are enough of us we will gang up on you, terrorise and compel you to get out of our way and if necessary and without thought, we will go to war.

You know where you are with us. We preach the limited range of judgements about what makes us superior and you inferior. We know The Truth and why you do not fit into our picture of life in the way that meets our requirements.

We are easy to mock and we provide material for comedians but they are damned anyway and we will make them pay.

As a genre, we bigots surface in the widest cross-section of human activities and are not confined to religions or even any one religion. We pop up in politics, cultures, nationalities, and are very strongly represented on the historic memories, ethnic and gender fronts. Sexual preoccupations are a fertile grounds for us to inhabit.

You will find us anywhere where it is possible to live your life in blind obedience and total conformity to a way of thinking where no deviation is allowed.

Religions, particularly in their later developments and misinterpreted forms are ready made homes for us.

We develop our membership by keeping it within the family. We start with our own children when they are young. They learn the mantras while they are learning to speak and repeat them as frequently as we tell them, ‘wash your teeth’, ‘take your elbows off the table’, ‘nice boys don’t play with their tinky-winky when other people can see them’, ‘don’t mix with those horrid and different children, they are not nice’. Our intention is to impose the same regime on children of other parents through the education system we know is the best one to use. If those people do not agree then we will take their children away from them and train them properly when we take control.

To us life is simple. We demand that you allow us to exist in our tightly controlled world until we grow powerful enough to take over your world and make you do what we know is the best for you.

We are united. You are alone. What can you do?

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